The Ins and Outs of Shipping

Wednesday May 29, 2013 comments

Welcome back to the ART blog! As the weather gets nicer, we get out and ride our horses more. This unfortunately means they get hurt a bit more, while here at ART things get a little busier. For me this means extra shipping. Our entire business here is based around shipping, both incoming packages containing the bone marrow, and outgoing packages with the stem cells. In some of the ART documentation we reference shipping, but often times there are leftover questions. Today I am going to address some of the most common questions we get, and... Read More

Selecting a Candidate for Stem Cell Therapy

Friday April 5, 2013 comments

Welcome back to our blog! Today we are interviewing one of our long time users to get their insight about using stem cells. Dr. Brent Hague, DVM, Diplomate ACVS, ABVP has graciously agreed to be subject to my questions. Dr. Hague works at Oakridge Equine Hospital, located in Edmond, Oklahoma. Oakridge Equine Hospital is a referral practice, and is proud to be home to four board certified equine surgeons. They house state of the art technology, including a dedicated equine MRI (1.5T), orthopedic and soft tissue surgery suites, and a range of... Read More

Bone Marrow Handling at ART – (aka the ARTstem process)

Tuesday February 26, 2013 comments

Welcome back readers! Today I am going to tell you a bit about what happens here at the lab once we receive your bone marrow. I think we should tell the story from the point of view of a vet, if you happen to be the owner your job is to call your vet and get these updates! Here we go. OK! You have found a candidate for stem cell therapy, and have decided to use ART to culture your stem cells. Now what? Well first off you need to schedule an appointment to draw a bone marrow aspirate from the patient. I will skip the details of that step (if... Read More

Stem Cells 101

Wednesday November 28, 2012 comments

Welcome to our blog! Since you are here and reading this, you probably are looking for information about stem cells. Well my friend, you have come to the right place! You have probably heard of stem cells in the media, whether it be the much discussed controversy regarding embryonic stem cells, hearing about some of your favorite professional athletes getting stem cell therapy as a miracle cure, or even an advertisement about stem cell therapy for pets. It can get a bit confusing, this barrage of information about stem cells, so I am here to... Read More